The In-Arena Utility (IAU) is equipped to produce a .sb serial file which is identical to the one produced by StatCrew Software and used with the TasComms32 utility. This document will help you establish a connection to your scoreboard using TasComms32.

NOTE: As a reminder, DO NOT use a Game Key from a real game to do any testing. Use a Training Game Key or a game which has been set-up manually, and operate NCAA LiveStats in the Test Environment.

1. If you haven't already done so, download and familiarize yourself with the In-Arena Utility. Follow the steps in the In-Arena Utility Guide to learn how to create a connection.

2. Create a connection which will place a .sb file on a local folder that you can access. In this example, a folder was created on the C: drive called "Scoreboard" to hold the file. The Custom Name feature was used to name the file "" The connection screen in the IAU might look similar to this:

3. Once your connection is created,start the IAU to begin sending the .sb file to the assigned location as described in the In-Arena Utility Guide.

4. Daktronics has provided this helpful guide to assist you in setting up TasComms32: 

5. The key element to use the IAU with TasComms32 is the Monitor File field (indicated below with the Green box). This field tells TasComms32 where the statistics data for the scoreboard is being saved. Put the file location path into the Monitor File field in TasComms32. In this example, it would look like this:

6. Active TasComms32, and with your test game in NCAA LiveStats, you can now verify that statistics are being sent to the scoreboard.