CRITICAL WARNING: FOR REGULAR AND POST-SEASON GAMES, A GAME KEY SHOULD BE USED ONLY ONCE, AND ONLY BY THE HOST INSTITUTION FOR THE OFFICIAL SCORING OF THE GAME. Having two or more people scoring a game with the same Game Key will cause the files to merge and combine, therefore corrupting the statistics for the game.

If you wish to practice with NCAA LiveStats (which we recommend!) please use the Training Games that are provided in the NSCM and the NLS Test Environment. Please do NOT use the Game Key for this. Any practice or non-official game should always be set up manually in NCAA LiveStats.

Also, please do NOT put in test events before your real game begins with the intent on deleting them before the actual tip.  This can cause significant corruption of your data.  

For BASKETBALL, if you want to test to make sure the scoreboard is working or that you can send files, please use the "BUC vs LTC" exported game below.  After downloading the file, go to the NCAA LiveStats main menu, click on "Load Exported Game", and pull in the .fls file, and you can do any kind of testing or practice that you want.  Once everything looks good, you can go back to the real game and be ready to start.