In-Arena Utility - FAQ


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Does IAU work for all NCAA LiveStats applications?

  • Yes!  The methodology for all sports is the same.

When do I activate the IAU to begin generating XML and SB files?

  • Follow this procedure to activate IAU before loading the Game Key, which will result in the XML file being generated early in the setup process

1.    Open NLS, and activate the In-Venue Feed (under the Settings menu)

2.    Open IAU, verify your connection(s) and click Start

3.    Load in the Game Key

4.    Proceed through the Pre-game setup tabs

  • As long as you have the In-Venue feed and IAU running before you put in the Game Key, you’ll get an XML file early in the process.

  • When does the IAU first generate the XML file?

Assumptions: In-Venue Feed is on. IAU is Started. Production environment.

  • Basketball – After the Teams tab is saved
  • Volleyball – After Print Settings tab is saved
  • Soccer – After the Players tab is saved
  • Ice Hockey – After the Players tab is saved
  • Football – After the Teams tab is saved

How do I activate the data feed for use by third-party live stats providers, scoreboards and TV networks?

Can I create a unique name for the XML file?

  • Yes, by choosing the File Name Mode when you create your connection. There are five different options for File Name Mode:
    • Use Default File Name - this will make the file name "bbgame.xml"
    • Use Game Number - this will make the file name whatever you have set up in NCAA LiveStats--> Game--> Game Information--> Game Number field
    • Use NCAA Game ID - this will make the file name the NCAA Game ID, which you can find in NCAA LiveStats--> Help--> Game Information --> Conference Game ID (note: this won't work for practice games)
    • Use NCAA Match ID (Genius Sports) - this should only be used in the rare instance when NCAA Game ID is not present
    • Custom File name - this can be any alpha-numeric file name you want.  Make sure to put ".xml" at the end of the name.

      …and this will send the XML file (whatever is it named) to the designated FTP location.

Can I set-up multiple locations to send the XML file to?

  • Yes. By clicking the New button in the lower left-hand corner, you can add multiple locations.

Does the In-Arena Utility replace the need for SIDEARM File Distributor, Presto StatJack or a scoreboard interface utility?

  • No. In-Arena Utility is intended to work in conjunction with other third-party utilities. IAU's job is to place a live XML file in a known location, so that you can point other utilities to it to read the game data.

Should I use type Folder or FTP?

  • It will depend on what other persons or applications need access to it. Folder will place the "bbgame.xml" file on your local machine, or any other location that is mapped to that machine.
  • FTP will place it in on a remote FTP server that can be accessed by other users of that FTP server.
  • You can always do multiple connections in the IAU if you need to send the "bbgame.xml" file to multiple locations.

Does IAU support serial data connections?

  • Yes. IAU generates .sb files which are compatible with serial scoreboards.

Will IAU remember my connections from one game to next?

  • Yes, IAU will save those connections the next time you open the utility. If there are no changes to be made, simply click "Start" to activate those connections again.